Wednesday, September 12, 2018

Amber's Journey - Judge Not, Lest Ye Be Judged

In an age where internet anonymity makes judging others without immediate consequence so simple, I feel the need to caution my fellow Christians. The standards by which we judge others will become the standards by which we are judged, and we need to make sure we are judging correctly. 

What do I mean by judging correctly? I mean that there is a distinct difference between using scripture to determine the correctness or the fault in actions and passing judgement on someone solely based on what you have determined to be YOUR truth. There is also a difference between approaching someone directly with concerns and putting your judgement out in the open while inciting and encouraging others to pass judgement as well. I am by no means perfect, and I have made my own mistakes in this. God is definitely bringing to mind some of my own posting errors to mind even as I type.

I recently read another blog, which I LOVED, and the author so accurately states that "God's judgment is perfectly just, my judgment is terribly skewed." 

Judging another parent for having a different parenting style or method just because you don't agree with them - such as breastfeeding versus formula - is faulty judgement. How many of us see a child screaming in a store and think "that child needs to be disciplined"? How many of us offer the frazzled mom help, love, or encouragement? We judge others based on our own life experiences and the way we believe others should act; God judges people through an understanding of their heart, their life's experiences, and through love. Remember, David was a man after God's own heart - and he was FAR from perfect.

I am not saying that we can't make judgments to aide us in using discretion or in making decisions. I am cautioning against passing judgement on others only to elevate ourselves as being better. God is the only one who truly knows the hearts of others and He uses His own standards - not yours - to make those judgments. Remember that screaming child? You may have passed judgment on both the child and the parent, but God sees what you don't. He sees a child whose sensitivities to stimulation are higher than that of others: lights, colors, crowds, sounds, touch, etc. A child who has been overstimulated during the entire hour that his mom has spent shopping and can no longer cope with his environment; he is melting down because he is so overwhelmed that it is the only response he has left to give. And the mom, God sees her too. You might see a mom who has checked out and isn't disciplining her child. God sees a mom who knows if she leaves before she makes the purchase, she will only have to go through the entire process again tomorrow - with yet another meltdown. He sees a mom who wants to comfort and soothe her son, but knows that nothing will make it better until they are able to return home. Even now, many of you are passing judgement as you think to yourselves: "she should have left him at home" or "she now has the ability to have the groceries picked up or delivered". The problem, she is a single mom receiving food stamps. Because of her son's health, no one is willing to watch him on a regular basis, and stores don't accept food stamps for pickup or delivery where she lives. My point, God sees what you don't. Even when you think you have all the information, you don't, you can't - you aren't God.

Now, this is not to say that there won't be times when you feel led to bring correction or give guidance to someone. If a person you know, who claims to be a Christian, has done or said something that is in direct opposition to scripture, you can go to them directly with your concerns. Scripture lays out the proper way to bring correction to a fellow believer, just remember that such critiques should be done out of LOVE and NOT out of CONDEMNATION. 

Remember, it is more important to be God's LOVE in the lives of others than it is to judge them for mot meeting our personal standards or expectations. 

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