Monday, September 10, 2018

Health & Diet - Setting Goals

I want to be honest and transparent in each of my posts, but this blog is challenging my level of transparency. I'm not a small woman. In fact, I'm fairly large and have been since my mid to late teens. Losing weight has always been a struggle for me, even when I was active. I don't expect that I will ever be small; I don't have unrealistic expectations. Still, admitting to how much I weigh makes me want to cringe... I think, for now, I will just share what my short term and long term weight loss goals are. My long term goal would likely still have me heavier than most doctors would prefer, but it is a weight that feels reasonable and attainable.

Short term (next 2 months): 30 pounds

Long term (within the next year): 80 pounds

Before anyone starts freaking out about 30 pounds being too much to lose in 2 months, remember that once you find your "sweet spot" combination of diet and exercise, the weight typically comes off faster at the beginning... Though I have found losing weight after 30 to be much more difficult and losing weight after 35 to be nearly impossible - I have faith that God will see me through this as I am predominately making these changes for my health and not for vanity.

Speaking of health, in order for you to know how much of a struggle this journey may be, I must first explain the known health conditions I am battling... I say known because there are areas of my health that I have chosen not to investigate. My best friend says that I am like an ostrich with my head in the sand; I don't agree, but we will wait to delve into that later. This list is long; I am not sharing it for pity but for you to understand what I am up against: diabetes, high blood pressure, PCOS/metabolic issues, RSD/CRPS, arthritis, spinal arthritis, bulging disks in my lower back, compressed/damaged disks in my neck, tendon tears in both elbows and shoulders (compensation injuries from the RSD/CRPS), and a cyst in my left knee. I'm sure there are things that I have unintentionally left off, but this is enough to give you a picture. Currently, the diabetes is my biggest concern.

The first time I witnessed the ability for diabetes to take a life, I was only 19 or 20 years old. I had an elderly co-worker who made no attempt to manage her sugars and it led to her sudden and unexpected death. Now, I am sitting on the sidelines watching as 2 men, whom I love dearly, fight for their lives through dialysis. Both men have end stage renal failure, both men came close to dying before starting dialysis, both men have questioned their will/desire to continue living. I have been through a lot in my life, but this has been one of the hardest things I have ever experienced. I refuse to sit back and let this become my fate as well. I do not want my son to watch the light in my eyes fade when I could have done more to prevent it. So, I am doing more.

When starting this journey, my sugars were averaging around 200 for fasting and 250 post meal. A non-diabetic typically has sugars below 100 for fasting and around 120 for post meal. Diabetes is considered controlled when the fasting sugars are under 120 and the post meal are below 140. My starting goal is to get my sugars down to an average of 150 and then will be working from there to get them into the normal "non-diabetic" range. There has been progress as my average for the last 14 days is down to 187. 

Short Term Goal (next 2 months) - Avg below 150
Long term goal (next 6 months) - Avg below 120

Dietary changes have been huge in my progress so far, but exercise will also be necessary. I am starting slow. My current goal is to walk 1/2 a mile to a mile each night with my son. He loves going on walks with me and we have the 1/2 mile and the full mile routes mapped out and we have already complete them before. I have been bad about blowing off the walks when I'm hurting and not feeling well. Instead, I want to push to complete at least the 1/2 mile on bad days and the full mile on good days. Eventually, I would like us to walk 2 miles together.

Short term: Walk 1/2 mile to mile 4-5 times a week
Mid term goal: Walk 1-2 miles split into two walks 4-5 times a week
Long term goal: Walk 2+ miles at one time 4-5 times a week

What are your weight loss and health goals? What is the driving force in changing your habits? Share your goals and progress in the comments.

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